About the 7 Days to Wellness Book
7 Days to Wellness, A Natural Approach to Reduce Toxins and Cleanse the Body” describes a structured approach to healthy living through cleansing and reducing toxins out of our bodies. As part of natural methods and the combining of many well-known approaches to maintaining health, this descriptive book program along with a journal of daily activities provides an effective seven-day process utilizing various forms of cleansing, detoxifying and life enrichment activities. The detailed plan from the program describes the use of water, teas, broths, juices, herbal supplements, and integrated daily activities to bolster health, providing daily guidelines and structure that is easy to use as a continuous life enhancement practice. Even the medical establishment is giving more attention the benefits of a periodic regiment to eliminate or reduce toxins as a key to preventing some of our common degenerative diseases and maintaining good health. Reducing toxins from our systems also provides a good foundation for our bodies before initiating a weight management program and is a great way to improve the potential for lost pounds to stay off.
Readers of the book have reported weight loss of as much as 10 lbs. in 7 days by getting rid of stored-up waste, breaking down fat and flushing it out. After completing the "7 Days to Wellness" some users find immediate gratification in not only shedding a few pounds but also rejuvenation of mind and body. Joan Johnson, an herbalist and naturopathic practitioner from Heathsville, Virginia claims “This book takes you through a process with step-by-step instructions that are very precise and I recommend it to many of my clients that are looking for guidance on conducting an ‘at-home’ cleansing and detoxifying program. Anyone who tries it will definitely get to know how simple it is to integrate good eating habits and to take some needed time-out to refocus along with doing something that is just good for you”. Many users have been amazed at the clarity and focus they receive after doing a three-day cleansing over a long weekend and look forward to holiday weekends to take some time to get renewed and recharged.
The book “7 Days to Wellness, A Natural Approach to Reduce Toxins and Cleanse the Body” is available for purchase online at www.7days2wellness.com, Amazon.com, Authorhouse.com, Borders.com, and BarnesandNobel.com. The book’s author Marcia Fairweather has over fifteen years of studies and practice in herbs, nutrition, aromatherapy, Feng Shui, and other naturopathic areas and conducts workshops and weekend retreats focusing on cleansing and detoxifying programs. She writes monthly featured articles on wellness strategies for local magazines, newsletters, newspapers, and online news sources. To obtain a summary of articles for print, email her at marcia@frescose“rvices.com.
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About the Author
As a provider of life enrichment programs, Marcia Fairweather has over 20 years of experience promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being activities for youth and adults. Her years of study and practice in herbs, nutrition, aromatherapy, Feng Shui, and outdoor adventure have contributed to her approach to wellness and are integrated into the programs she develops. Throughout the year, she promotes outdoor adventure activities in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, conducts weekend get-away retreat programs, and markets the Renew and Recharge Wellness Program, which integrates the components of mind, body, and spirit renewal into an approach to wellness and good health. After implementing many workshops and weekend retreats around this 7-Day program, this at-home use book is now available.
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